Thursday, December 19, 2019


We have space in the boatyard for dry boat storage each winter with special rates for periods of 1 month or more. Call us to obtain your quote. Our prices per month depend upon the size of your boat. Please check our rates pages for more detailed information (at the bottom of the page). You have the option of simply transporting your boat to us and we will haul and store it for you or you can opt for our guardiannage programme and we will both store the boat and ensure that it is taken care of throughout the winter. This is especially beneficial if you live outside the Nanaimo area.

A major aspect of boat ownership is working out where you are going to store the boat when it’s not being used. Dry boat storage is storage out of the water, the alternative is in a marina where the boat is left in the water. There are different activities that need to be completed for storing a boat.
Dry storage is normally storage inside a warehouse. It means your boat is secure and protected from the weather, it saves money on trailer maintenance and less expensive than having a marina berth, but there are some drawbacks. Drawbacks can be you may not be able to get to your boat when you want it and larger boats may not fit. Before you store your boat make sure all valuables are removed from the boat, remove batteries and put them on trickle charge, empty fuel tanks (for fire prevention) and ideally keep your boat protected with a waterproof cover.
Come and talk to us about our storage options or find out more about boat storage in Vancouver Island

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